Ingredient randomization: No ingredient randomization Randomize only common ingredients Randomize every ingredient*
*Note that randomizing every ingredient can make recipe difficult to make (for example, if Plant Leaf is swap with Red Bulb).
Randomize dishes**:
**Note that dish drop only work when the dish recipe has been learned from checks.
Randomize transportation turtles: No Randomize every Transportation turtles Yes, but not the last one, before the Creator
Unconfine the home water: No Via the energy door Via the transportation turtle Via both
Early energy form:
Early bind song:
Objectif: Beat the Creator Find the 3 secret memories and beat the Creator Beat the 4 gods to access and beat the Creator
*Note that the 4 gods and Creator objective exclude every area bellow Open Water and ignore the big bosses to beat option.
Translate Aquarian:
Mini boss to beat to access the Creator: No mini boss necessary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Big boss to beat to access the Creator: No big boss necessary 1 2 3 4 5
The maximum number of the same ingredients that can be stacked on the ingredient inventory: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Makes bind song necessary to get under rocks locations:
Light needed to get to dark places:
No progression items on hard to get and well hidden locations:
No progression on Simon says area:
No progression in Kelp Forest:
No progression in the Veil:
No progression in Mithalas:
No progression in Energy Temple:
No progression in Arnassi Ruins:
No progression in Frozen Veil:
No progression in the Abyss:
No progression in the Sunken City:
No progression in the Body:
Make hot soup undeplatable:
Remove the body tongue:
Skip the 3rd form of the final boss:
Skip the first vision in the verse cave:
Saving heal Naija:
Load your json file and select an item to know where you can find it.
Le générateur en français est ici.